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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire Webcomic Announced


Today we are going to talk about the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire with you.


The newest addition is the glacial world of Belsavis, a prison-world housing some of the galaxy's most dangerous Sith Lords, Mandalorians and vicious aliens. A Republic world, the Empire has recently discovered Belsavis' existence and seeks to liberate its allies from Republic imprisonment.

In addition to the new planet, BioWare has also announced a new webcomic entitled "SW:TOR Blood of the Empire." BioWare has teamed up with Dark Horse comics once again to publish this new webcomic series, which will feature a new perspective and a strong character-driven story written by BioWare's Senior Writer Alexander Freed.

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Stichwörter: SW:TOR, Blood, of, the, Empire
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