von illy
SEX is...
- like Persil (da wei man, was man hat)
- like Ehrmann (keiner macht mich mehr an)
- like AOL (bin ich schon drin?)
- like HARIBO (macht Kinder froh und Erwachsene ebenso)
- like DOUGLAS (come in and find out)
- like NOKIA (connecting people)
- like NIKE (just do it)
- like PEPSI (ask for more)
- like SAMSUNG (everybody is involved)
- like CocaCola (enjoy)
- like PRINGLES (einmal gepoppt, nie mehr gestoppt)
- like Audi (Vorsprung durch Technik)
- like SAT 1 (power by emotion)
- like McDonalds (I'm lovin it!)
- like Persil (da wei man, was man hat)
- like Ehrmann (keiner macht mich mehr an)
- like AOL (bin ich schon drin?)
- like HARIBO (macht Kinder froh und Erwachsene ebenso)
- like DOUGLAS (come in and find out)
- like NOKIA (connecting people)
- like NIKE (just do it)
- like PEPSI (ask for more)
- like SAMSUNG (everybody is involved)
- like CocaCola (enjoy)
- like PRINGLES (einmal gepoppt, nie mehr gestoppt)
- like Audi (Vorsprung durch Technik)
- like SAT 1 (power by emotion)
- like McDonalds (I'm lovin it!)